Directions (Q. 1—4): In each of these questions, a statement is followed by a conclusion. Judge the conclusion and decide about its degree of truth or falsity. Mark your answer as under—
(a) If the conclusion is definite true
(b) If it is probably true
(c) If the data is inadequate to judge
(d) If the is conclusion is definitely false
1. Statement: India was subjected to centuries of enslavement due to lack of unity.
Conclusion: India enjoyed its hey-day of glory and freedom in ancient times only because unity was the hallmark of Indian life then.
Ans. (b)
2. Statement: The constitution of India does not provide for right to work as a fundamental right.
Conclusion : The state is unconcerned about the problem of unemployment as the constitution does not put any obligation on it.
Ans. (d)
3. Statement: There is intimate relationship between ambition and success a fact testified by several examples from history.
Conclusion: It is futile for a man without ambition to dream of success in life.
Ans. (a)
4. Statement: In international relations, nothing is permanent except national interest.
Conclusion: In the international relations, friendship or enmity between nations is solely governed by consideration of national interests.
Ans. (d)
5. The Chinese pilgrim Huen Tsang visited India during the reign of—
(a) Ashoka
(b) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Chandragupta II
Ans. (c)
6. The Harappan Civilization belongs to—
(a) Chalcolithic Age
(b) Neolithic Age
(c) Palaeolithic Age
(d) Iron Age
Ans. (a)
7. Which of the following is correctly matched?
(a) Ellora — Saka
(b) Mahabalipuram — Rashtrakuta
(c) Meenakshi Temple — Pallavas
(d) Khajuraho — Chandellas
Ans. (d)
8. Home Rule Movement was started by—
(a) Bal Gandhar Tilak
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(d) None of these
Ans. (a)
9. The delta-forming rivers in India are—
(a) Ganga, Mahanadi, Narmada W
(b) Krishna, Ganga, Tapti
(c) Cauvery, Ganga, Mahanadi
(d) Narmada, Tapti, Krishna
Ans. (c)
10. Which of the following are fibre crops?
(a) Jute, Sugarcane, Linseed
(b) Cotton, Maize, Tobacco
(c) Cotton, Hemp, Jute
(d) Hemp, Cotton, Maize
Ans. (c)
11. The velocity of wind is related to—
(a) revolution of the earth
(b) rotation of the earth
(c) pressure gradient
(d) temperature
Ans. (c)
12. Blood pressure in human body is controlled by—
(a) adrenal gland
(b) thyroid gland
(c) thymus
(d) corpus luteum
Ans. (b)
13. Which of the following means Deficit Financing?
(a) Government expenditure minus revenue receipts
(b) Government expenditure minus borrowing
(c) Budget, deficit minus borrowing -and liabilities
(d) Budget deficit
Ans. (a)
14. International Monetary Fund helps the member countries—
(a) in the short period disequilibrium in their balance of payments
(b) in the long period disequilibrium in their balance of payments
(c) by advising them on economic and monetary matters
(d) all of these
Ans. (d)
15. The concept of Public Interest Litigation originated in—
(a) The United Kingdom
(b) Australia
(c) The USA
(d) Canada
Ans. (a)
16. Which one of the following dances involves solo performance?
(a) Bharatanatyam
(b) Kuchipudi
(c) Mohiniattam
(d) Odissi
Ans. (c)
17. Which one of the following is used as an anti-freeze for the automobile engines?
(a) Propyl alcohol
(b) Ethanol
(c) Methanol
(d) Ethylene glycol
Ans. (b)
18. Which of the following is NOT a principle of Panchsheel?
(a) Non-alignment
(b) Peaceful coexistence,
(c) Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty
(d) Mutual non interference in each other’s internal affairs
Ans. (a)
19. Antigen is a substance which
(a) lowers body temperature
(b) destroys harmful bacteria
(c) triggers, the immune system
(d) is used as an antidote to poison
Ans. (c)
20. In a code language CAMEL is written as XPOGT and RABBITS as YPVVLEZ. How can AMERICA be written in that code?
Ans. (d)
21. Which one of the following 1number groups is similar to the - number group 5, 6, 22,?
(a) 4, 8, 2
(b) 3, 8, 26
(c) 8, 9, 34
(d) 7, 9, 48
Ans. (c)
22. Which one of the following number groups is similar to the number group 84, 82, 109?
(a) 9, 17, 36
(b) 34, 42, 59
(c) 7, 16, 32
(d) 63, 71, 89
Ans. (b)
23. Consider the following pictures of a dice—
What is the number opposite 3?
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 1
(d) Date inadequate
Ans. (b)
24. If air is called dust, dust is called cloud, cloud is called rain, rain is called white, white is called blue and blue is called green; then what is the colour of clear sky?
(a) Blue
(b) Dust
(c) Air
(d) None of these
Ans. (d)
25. ACEG : ZXVT : IKMO =?
(a) YACE
(b) RPLN
(c) TQOM
(d) RPNL
Ans. (d)
26. 11529: 72135: 152943 ?
(a) 163044
(b) 620348
(c) 213549
(d) 203448
Ans. (c)
27. Virus in computers relates to—
(a) dust particles
(b) hardware
(c) programme
(d) all of these
Ans. (c)
28. The Central Processing Unit in a computer comprises—
(a) input device, output device and memory
(b) software, hardware, and power supply unit
(c) memory, visual display unit and printer
(d) store, arithmetic and logical unit and control unit
Ans. (d)
29. Which of the following statements about computers is WRONG?
(a) It is a logical machine and processes information
(b) It can access any information that it has in Store
(c) It is devoid of emotions and has no feelings or instincts
(d) It approaches its information. in an unrestricted manner’
Ans. (d)
30. Computer program consists of—
(a) data
(b) instructions and data
(c) low level language
(d) instruction, data ana low level language
Ans. (d)
31. Simulation is a process in which —
(a) computer is used to control a process
(b) computers gathers data for later processing
(c) the computer system program are used to produce actions similar to those in real physical system
(d) a model of real computer produced at cheaper rates
Ans. (c)
Directions (Q. 32—36): In each of the sentences given in these questions there are two blank spaces. Select the pair which can fill the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence.
32. Although his first few attempts were…………… ultimately he………
(a) fruitful, won
(b) futile, succeeded
(c) thwarted, lost
(d) appreciable, retarded
Ans. (b)
33. His face gave us a clear……… that he was free from all his……….
(a) message, relations
(b) notice, obstacles
(c) impression, opportunities
(d) indications, worries
Ans. (d)
34. The recent……….. in oil prices has given an unexpected additional……….. to the cost spiral.
(a) slump, drawback
(b) rise, twist
(c) development, cut
(d) deterioration, impetus
Ans. (b)
35. If the banks desire……… to profit they should get rid of…………. measures.
(a) increase, populist
(b) earn, healthy
(c) maximize, modern
(d) make, steady
Ans. (a)
36. He was scarcely in his teens when he became completely………. by German………. and writings of Shakespeare.
(a) harassed, army
(b) engrossed, people
(c) broken, rules
(d) captivated, literature
Ans. (d)
Directions (Q. 37—41): In these questions, a word in capital letters is followed by four options. Select the option which is closest in meaning to the given word.
(a) Happiness
(b) Eagerness
(c) Interest
(d) Passion
Ans. (d)
(a) Disperse
(b) Distribute
(c) Divide
(d) Waste
Ans. (d)
(a) Insulting
(b) Wasteful
(c) Hard
(d) Difficult
Ans. (a)
(a) Rebuke
(b) Punishment
(c) Regret
(d) Repetition
Ans. (c)
(a) Spoil
(b) Shrink
(c) Fall
(d) Pale
Ans. (b
Directions (Q.42—46): In these questions, a word in capital letters is followed by four options. Select the option which means nearly the opposite to the word in capital letters.
(a) Satisfaction
(b) Self-indulgence
(c) Excitement
(d Passion
Ans. (b)
(a) Cloudy
(b) Complex
(ç) Uncertain
(d) Factual
Ans. (d)
(a) Unhappiness
(b) Regret
(c) Grief
(d) Depression
Ans. (c)
(a) Create
(b) Generate
(c) Steady
(d) Improve
Ans. (d)
(a) Tolerant
(b) Democratic
(c) Flexible
(d) Open
Ans. (c)
Directions (Q. 47—50): Find the missing term in the number series in these questions.
47. 8, 11, 15,22,33,51,?, 127,203
(a) 80
(b) 53
(c) 58
(d) 69
Ans. (a)
48. 5, 13, 25, 41, ?, 85, 113, 145
(a) 61
(b) 62
(c) 63
(d) 64
Ans. (a)
49. 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, ?, 2187
(a) 729
(b) 730
(c) 750
(d) 832
Ans. (a)
50. Two pipes can fill a tank in 15 hours and 12 hours respectively while a third pipe can empty it in 20 hours. If the tank is empty and all the three pipes are opened, the tank will be full in –
(a) 14 hours
(c) 16 hours
(b) 10 hours
(d) 7 hours
Ans. (b)
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